Huddle has announced the addition of a Google Chrome Extension. Twilio released the details of 3 new resources that give developers much needed support. Plus: Two new ways to add location intelligence to your apps, using an enterprise-ready content management API improves collaboration, and 13 new APIs.
Twilio Provides Much Needed Usage APIs
Twilio, a leading cloud communication provider, has recently unveiled tools that will help users manage their Twilio API usage. The company released 3 new resources including the Usage API. This API allows developers to receive API usage information with a single API call. In addition, the Usage Triggers API can notify users automatically when API usage crosses a designated threshold. Of course I saved the best for last: the Test Credentials tool. This tool gives developers a way to test their Twilio applications without incurring the cost associated with making actually calls to the Twilio REST API.
To read more about Twilio?s latest offerings check out their blog for the full announcement.
Huddle Gets Friendly With Google
Huddle provides online resources for efficient collaboration and project management. The company offers the Huddle API to allow developers to access team workspaces, file sharing, project tracking, project collaboration, and also the ability to connect with other teams for added collaboration. Huddle has announced Huddlizer, the company?s Google Chrome extension.
In a recent blog post Robert Prince, Huddle Lead Developer, had this to say about Huddlizer?s capabilities:
?Huddlizer allows Huddle users to seamlessly add files and web pages from the Chrome web browser into workspaces while browsing the web. Now it?s easier than ever to curate content from across the web and share it with workspace members.?
The Chrome extension is free and can be downloaded at
API News You Shouldn?t Miss
13 New APIs
Today we had 13 new APIs added to our API directory including an integrated payments for online marketplaces service, a social media sentiment analysis service, a genome browser service, a workforce management application, a movie information and rental service, an online learning and instruction platform and an sms messaging service. Below is more details on each of these new APIs.Balanced API: Balanced is an integrated payments solution for online marketplaces. With the Balanced API, users can integrate a payments experience such as in Amazon for their own marketplace. Balanced allows users to bypass dealing with banking systems, compliance, fraud, and security. Additional functionality includes allowing users to hold funds up to seven days before transferring them to a marketplace and tokenizing cards and bank accounts on the client and associating the card securely with the user?s Balanced account. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
Convey API: Converseon is a social media analytics and strategy firm. One of their products is the Convey API that features sentiment analysis along with many other social intelligence features. It utilizes natural language processing, statistical modeling and machine learning techniques to return content-specific annotations. Supported annotations include: sentiment (polarity), emotion, intensity, spam and relevance. With the API, analysis can be conducted that includes searching, querying and relevancy, custom annotations, and continual training. It uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
Genome Maps API: Genome Maps is a genome browser service that allows real-time navigation along chromosomes and karyotypes. Genomic data in different standard formats (GFF, BED, VCF) can be easily imported and displayed on the viewer, and resulting images can be exported in PNG or JPEG format. Currently, only Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, C. elegans, and Danio rerio are included, but more species will be available soon.
Google Coordinate API: Google Coordinate is a workforce management application that lets organizations manage and keep track of their mobile workforce. The API exposes functionality such as job createion, listings, and updates. With the API, managers can communicate with their workforce, see their physical location on a map, assign jobs, report on and review all jobs. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
JM Data MovieApp API: JM Data Services specializes in products for retailers of rental movies and maintains a large database of movie information. It also provides the MovieApp API, which allows users to search for movies, retrieve information about them, check their availability at specific stores, and even reserve movies online. The API provides other functions as well, such as allowing users to maintain a list of favorite movies or find nearby stores.
Khan Academy API: Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization that provides a free, online education to anyone, anywhere. The site contains over 3,200 online videos covering subjects from finance and physics to math and art. The API gives developers access to nearly all of the data stored on the site categorized by Playlists. Within each playlist, users can discover videos or use the playlists to get information about the exercises for each. The API also returns information about badges awarded via the exercise dashboard. The API methods are split into topics, videos, exercises, badges and user data. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in JSON.
RouteSMS API: RouteSms is a mobile messaging and bulk SMS solutions provider. They offer solutions such as SMS hubs, enterprise level messaging, bulk SMS, reseller platform and more. The reseller system lets users manage their client/user accounts in a customized and branded setting. The API lets resellers send bulk SMS messages. It uses HTTP calls and responses are formatted in XML.
Seismic Data Portal API: The service aggregates publicly available data about earthquake events, including seismic waveforms, wave velocities, and arrival times at specified locations. The Seismolink web service provides information about seismic sensing networks and available resources for detecting and tracking events. Data are available in the specialized QuakeML format.
API methods support retrieval of reports on seismic events, including search for specific events, lists of recent events, and details about each one such as location and magnitude. Methods also provide information about seismic waveforms detected, the velocity of their movement, and projected arrival times at specified locations. The API also supports identification of data providers within the Seismolink network.
Smart-IP Geo-IP API: is a service that offers a suite of online network tools that lets users perform tasks such as IP lookup, WHOIS queries, spam check, email analysis and more. The API provides an interface to the IP lookup service allowing users to determine the geographical location of an IP-address or host with precision up to the city level. The API uses RESTful calls and responses are formatted in XML and JSON.
StesCodes Friends Inviter API: StesCodes is a web solution provider. As part of their portfolio of services, StesCodes offers several APIs. The StesCodes Friends Inviter gives users the ability to send invitations to their friends across social networks including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Users simply have to select their friends without having to manage their contacts.
Terapeak API: Terapeak is an eCommerce service that provides data and insights on eBay pricing and sales. With Terapeak?s data, users can price their items based on sales and data in an effort to maximize eBay and eCommerce sales.
The Terapeak API allows developers to access and integrate the functionality and data of Terapeak with other applications and to create new applications. Some example API methods include retrieving seller information, retrieving price information, and retrieving sales data.
VK Ads API: VK is a popular European social networking website. The VK Ads API allows users to advertise through the site. Users can create, alter, or retrieve information on campaigns, ads, and relevant statistics. The API also enables the management of information on advertising agencies and their clients, as well as the performance of administration tasks. The VK Ads API is still in Beta testing mode, but is functional nonetheless.
VK Merchant API: VK is a popular European social networking website. The VK Merchant API it offers provides a means of connecting applications and external internet stores to the VK payment system. This allows buyers to pay for items and services in an internet store from their personal VK account. One unique feature of the VK payment system is that it allows users to chip in together on purchases with their friends.
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